It is thought that the word butterfly originates from the yellow colour of the male brimstone. The wings of the female are a pale green, almost white, with the males having yellowy green underwings and yellow uppers. They are a large butterfly, with an overall wingspan of 60mm. They are widespread throughout Europe.
The adults can overwinter in ivy or lingonberry sprigs, even when covered in snow. Being able to hibernate, allows them to be ready to fly on the first warm days of Spring. Overwintering in such a way, means an adult butterfly can live for more than a year, giving it one of the longest lifespans among European butterflies. The caterpillars feed on buckthorns and are a lime green colour. The adults can be found in and around forests, bushy damp meadows and various human environments. Here on Kefalonia, I have seen them everywhere, but especially along the verges of roads.