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The swallow or barn swallow is a welcome visitor in any European country. They usually arrive in March and stay until October, feeding on most flying insects. If swallows, martins and swifts are flying, then the barn swallow is usually the lowest flying. Long pointed wings and a deeply forked tail are the main identifying traits of this bird. With dark blue upperparts, a red forehead and chin, a black bib and whitish to buff underparts, this is an easy bird to spot.

As already mentioned, they are the lowest flying of the hirundines (swallows and martins), and so tend to feed on the larger, heavier flying insects, but they love the swarms of flying ants that happen here. They nest on buildings, making an open cup of mud and plant material. They can have up to 3 broods of 4 to 6 eggs between April and August. They love to perch on overhead wires, and many can be seen awaiting the autumn migration.

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