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I live in the South East of Kefalonia, here the Sardinian warbler is quite common. They are a tiny warbler with a long tail. The male has a black cap with a striking white throat. It looks like a lot of the folks at Download, with its wonderful red eyes and eye ring! The upperparts are grey with greyish-white underparts. The females have grey caps and a more subdued eye colour.

Sardinian warblers prefer very bushy areas, as they spend a lot of time foraging in the dense undergrowth. They do emerge eventually, and then like to perch on the tops of the bushes for photos. Thorny growths over stone walls, or around buildings are used as well as most dense scrub. They also nest low down in thick bushes. I have seen them up in the mountains, around the hills and valleys, in olive groves and in my garden.

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