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A beautiful finch, and a welcome addition to my garden birds. A male in Summer plumage is a treat, yellow under parts with olive green above apart from grey cheeks and grey nape or back of its neck. Their wings are brown with bright yellow patches which can be seen whilst it is flying. The female is a brownish-olive with less bright wing patches, which is the same as the male in Winter.

These birds like open woodland or the edge of a wood, and like to call from the uppermost treetops, making photographs tricky. Copses and bushy areas are also liked, as well as your garden if you have a feeder or bushes which produce berries. Greenfinches seem to be wary or shy and it does not take much to scare them from a photo opportunity. As well as your feeder and berries, they will eat seeds, which is probably your best chance at a shot.

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