The Greek Ionian wall lizard is the most common lizard on the island. As you walk around the island, you can see them skittering off the roads and paths, into the undergrowth in front of you. They grow up to 250mm in length, but most of that is tail. They are bright green in the Spring, fading to olive green in the Summer. They usually have pale, longitudinal stripes with rows of dark spots along their sides.
They prefer open areas of grassland with sandy soil, field edges, olive groves, rural gardens and I have even seen them at the beach. In fact, I have seen them everywhere on this island, if you are still and quiet, they will emerge to bask in the sun and hunt for small insects.
Mating takes place between March and June, with 1 or 2 clutches of 2-10 eggs laid. The juveniles emerge in July.