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Rhinoceros beetles are members of the scarab beetle family, and this European rhinoceros beetle can grow up to 47mm in length, making it one of the largest beetles in Europe. It is only the male that has the wonderful horn and frilled collar. They are a reddish brown with a glazed appearance, their heads are slightly darker. The undersides of the body are covered with long red hair. The horn is used for fighting other males during the mating season and for digging. Their bodies are covered with a thick exoskeleton, with membranous wings hidden under a pair of thick covers. They cannot fly very well due to their size.

Rhinoceros beetles are nocturnal and swarm in the Summer twilight. If disturbed, they can emit loud hissing squeaks, which are produced by rubbing their abdomens against their wing covers. The larvae of these beetles feed on rotten wood, whilst the adults feed on nectar, plant sap and fruit. The large adults do not eat much but their larvae can eat a considerable amount of rotten wood, before they turn into the adult beetle. This male that I found on a mountainside walk early one morning was quite sleepy. I was able to pick him up and move him onto a rock for a better shot before he decided to fly off.

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