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This is my first Kefalonian eagle, the first time I saw them there were 4 playing over the mountains above me. This eagle is a large pale eagle, with long broad wings. The underside is a very pale silvery-white with a dark head and bib. There are 3 or 4 well-spaced, bold, dark bars on the tail, and 6 fingers on the wings. This eagle will hover like a kestrel, but being that much larger, it looks a little awkward.

This is a snake eagle and has strong bare legs and wonderful yellow eyes. When it is hunting it will hover for a long time before diving on the unwary snake or lizard, wings and head back and legs and feet thrust forward. When it is perching, it looks large headed, almost owl-like. It can be seen in the mountains, but will also visit the valleys, and scrublands looking for reptiles.

Kefalonia map-10.png
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