Over my years on Lundy, I had several visitors asking me “where are the puffins?”, but I had to tell them that they had visited Lundy at the wrong time of year.
One of the reasons for creating this site is to inform the visitors when and where they can see the wonderful wildlife on Lundy. Puffins start arriving in early April and have all gone by the middle of August.
The bird Lundy was named after, Lundy means “Puffin Island” in old Norse. The clown of the sea is a small fast auk with a wingspan of 500mm. In flight, the easiest way to differentiate them from other auks is the white face and colourful beak. On land their orange legs stand out from the throngs of black and white birds, usually razorbills and guillemots.
As I mentioned previously, you will only see puffins from April to the middle of August. The best place to see them is Jenny’s Cove and it is best to get there early in the morning, but you will still need a pair of binoculars to see them. I have occasionally seen them at Brazen Ward, which is where the photos of the birds on the water were taken.